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Nina Jablonski

Evan Pugh University Professor of Anthropology
Evolutionary history of Old World primates, including humans. Evolution of human skin and skin pigmentation, and the relationship between skin pigmentation and vitamin D production.

Michael Jacobson

Professor of Forest Resources

Derek James

Coordinator of Multicultural Programs, College of Agricultural Sciences

Thomas Alphonse Jaramillo, Jr.

President, Society for Industrial Biotechnology

Amanda Jason

Undergraduate Student

Bhushan Jayarao

Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Timothy Jegla

Emphasis Area Representative, Molecular and Evolutionary Genetics; Associate Professor of Biology
Functional evolution of eukaryotic ion channels and evolution of neuronal signaling and cell structure.

Gregory Jenkins

Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, of Geography, and of African Studies
How lightning in particular and mineral dust aerosols can act as sources and sinks of tropospheric ozone in regions downstream of continental Africa

Xiangming Ji

Associate Professor of Nutritional Sciences
Metabolic studies in the airway epithelium, spanning from normal cells to at-risk epithelial cells, and ultimately to cancer cells.

Tong Jiang

Biology Graduate Student

Wen Jiang

Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

María del Mar Jiménez Gasco

Professor of Plant Pathology and Environmental Mictobiology; Head, Dept of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology

Dezhe Jin

Associate Professor of Physics
Computational models of neural basis of motor control and learning; theoretical analysis of biological neural networks.

Rong Jin

Associate Professor of Neurosurgery
Ischemic Stroke; Traumatic Brain Injury; Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and VCID

Ilhyeong Jo

Graduate Student
Improving CRISPR/Cas genome editing tools for functional genomics and crop improvement

Matthew Jones

Research Assistant - Read Lab and McGraw Lab

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Joyce Jose

Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Virus-host interactions involved in the pathogenesis of alphaviruses and flaviviruses. Analysis of virus induced structures and cytoskeletal modifications in mammalian host and insect vector using high-resolution live cell imaging and electron microscopy. Viral determinants of neurotropism, encephalitis, transmission and persistence in BSL-3 pathogens.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics